Monday, November 4, 2019

The Pursuit of Being Happy

The Pursuit of Being Happy

I am by nature a “glass is half empty” kind of guy. In fact, I am a “glass is half empty and it’s cracked at the bottom” kind of guy! I tend to focus on the negative when I consider things. It’s probably the Six Trials that I have endured throughout my life that that positions me to “wait for the other shoe to drop”. Don’t get me wrong, I know God is sovereign and has good in mind for me. I continue to weigh the goodness of God with the promise Jesus made when He said, “In this world you will have trouble”.

That “trouble” has often robbed me of my happiness but never my joy. You may be asking, what’s the difference? For me, joy is not an emotion; it’s a purposeful act of faith. Happiness is more of an emotion than a deliberate act. For years I have downplayed the importance of happiness because I have been preaching joy to my congregation. In my immaturity I have been unable to fully enjoy them both, joy and happiness.

I now find myself hungry for happiness, so where is it and how can I get some? Happiness that comes through circumstances should be cherished and valued. I can have continuous joy that is a biproduct of my relationship with God and happiness that is a result of circumstances.  The issue for me (and maybe you) is that I need to be looking for happiness in everyday situations and everyday life. I’m learning that its there; I just need to identify it.

Lesson for us all- Counting your blessings, being thankful in all things and being grateful are all ways that we can experience true happiness. I will see my glass as half full and on the rise.

Blessings to you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. Abba, You are Potter and we are the clay. I pray for my Pastor as You have this precious vessel on Your spinning wheel. Continue to shape and form Your beauty and Your splendor in to him. I would ask that You repair, remold or replace this crack in Greg’s vessel. It’s time for this leak to stop! In Your Son’s healing name, stop this constant drainage, please. Allow Greg to see more of those circumstances that bring happiness to ones life. Let him experience the blending of joy and happiness which can bring a contentment and peace to this season You have him in. Satisfy this hunger Papa! Thank You for mending and meeting all of my brother needs.

    Thank You carrying Tammy and the whole family through difficult season as well. Your a good and gracious Father.



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